
Welcome to AboutRight.

We are ‘about’ assisting the world bridge the gap between the wave of technological growth and the reality that, in the end, everything we do has a human using it.

As it gets easier and easier to make things that are more complex, more convenient and more accessible, the importance of keeping them simple to understand, faithful to their purpose and easy to operate, must also rise.

AboutRight is consulting and development service that is in place to do just this. It provides advocacy during planning, development and testing to support the human interface, both to the end user and the developer/designer teams.

In parallel, over twenty years of product development experience is on hand to support new ideas, new designs and new obstacles in areas such as:

  • database driven web and information systems
  • multimedia and interactive displays
  • public space considerations – wide access, privacy, environmental
  • custom hardware for real-world interfacing
  • product verification, purpose evaluation, demographic assessment

Make the most complex thing ever, but save yourself, your team and your users along the way.